Heard of a key in the door, boots on the floor,
flip of a kitchen light Then he zipped up
his coat, cleared his throat,
that’s when he said goodbye
The saddest song I can’t
forget, and now it’s stuck in my head
That’s the sound of a heartbreak, hits you
a heartbreak, screamin’ a comin’ down the
a teardrop
fallin’ cause ain’t callin’ whiskey than glass
I can’t down, it’s it’s That’s the sound of a heartbreak
Feels it’s shattered, nothing mattered Like it’ll never be the same
You to go, then Every time hear his name
That’s the sound of a heartbreak, hits a heartbreak, screamin’ a freight
comin’ down the a fallin’ cause still
ain’t callin’ whiskey than glass
I can’t down, it’s it’s That’s the sound of a heartbreak
that’s the sound, yeah
It’s beatin’ a ringin’ in my ear The minute he was gone, I could hear
Was the sound of a Sound of a heartbreak
That’s the sound of a heartbreak, hits a heartbreak, screamin’ a freight
comin’ down the a fallin’ cause still
ain’t callin’ whiskey than glass
I can’t down, it’s it’s loud
That’s the sound of a heartbreak