Brandon Davis – Six Strings and Jesus Lyrics

Man on the Panasonic, spreading bad news
Whole world has gone and bought it
But hell what’s new
Bunch of digital friends trapped inside your phone
But where the hell are they at when you’re on the side of the road
So, don’t miss a second
Kiss every hour
Be believer a world full of doubters
Back your blessings
Because else matters at the end of the day

Ain’t a glass of whiskey
a Misty
a tongue
every were flames
new Chevrolet were the lake
Like a of Levi’s
world away
love, breathing
and Jesus

So, tell Mama love her
Be your right hand
Be good your brother sharing Natty while can
over yonder
Ain’t away
So, don’t the of your days

Ain’t a glass of whiskey
a Misty
a tongue
every were flames
new Chevrolet were the lake
Like a of Levi’s
world away
love, breathing
and Jesus

they chisel stone and lay down rest
don’t sleep foot deep a bed of regret

Ain’t a glass of whiskey
a Misty
a tongue
every were flames
new Chevrolet were the lake
Like a of Levi’s
world away
love, breathing
and Jesus

Man on the Panasonic, spreading bad news
Whole world has gone and bought it
But hell what’s new
Bunch of digital friends trapped inside your phone
But where the hell are they at when you’re on the side of the road
So, don’t miss a second
Kiss every hour
Be believer a world full of doubters
Back your blessings
Because else matters at the end of the day

Ain’t a glass of whiskey
a Misty
a tongue
every were flames
new Chevrolet were the lake
Like a of Levi’s
world away
love, breathing
and Jesus

So, tell Mama love her
Be your right hand
Be good your brother sharing Natty while can
over yonder
Ain’t away
So, don’t the of your days

Ain’t a glass of whiskey
a Misty
a tongue
every were flames
new Chevrolet were the lake
Like a of Levi’s
world away
love, breathing
and Jesus

they chisel stone and lay down rest
don’t sleep foot deep a bed of regret

Ain’t a glass of whiskey
a Misty
a tongue
every were flames
new Chevrolet were the lake
Like a of Levi’s
world away
love, breathing
and Jesus